Global Operations houses the International Risk, Safety and Security Director, whose role is to provide dedicated health, safety and emergency support for students participating in university international travel.
This is accomplished by monitoring world events, assisting in reviewing proposed international programming, providing risk consults for student international travel, and serving as a 24/7 responder for emergencies impacting Georgia Tech international programs. The International Risk, Safety and Security Director also serves as the Chair of the Restricted Travel Advisory Committee.
Please do not hesitate to peruse the resources on this site or reach out with any health, safety, or security concerns you or your travelers may have during planning, pre-departure or while abroad.

The health, safety, and security of Georgia Tech students, faculty, and staff on university international travel is of paramount importance to the Institute.
Emergency Protocol
In the event of an emergency, while you are on international university travel, Georgia Tech is here to support you. We encourage all travelers to familiarize themselves with the emergency protocols while they are abroad.
For the official protocol, please see the Office of International Education Emergency Response Protocol for Study Abroad, Exchange Programs and Global Research & Internship (GRIP). For some initial steps you can take in various situations, please keep reading.
- Determine participant safety. Assess the situation and verify the safety and well-being of the program’s participants, taking appropriate action as dictated by the nature of the incident. Depending on the situation, you may need to relocate temporarily or shelter in place. Be sure to follow the directives of local authorities and monitor trusted media. Participants will look to you for guidance and reassurance. Do your best to remain levelheaded and calm.
- Contact the relevant entities, such as the supplemental international insurance provider, local police, or the US Consulate or Embassy, if the situation calls for such assistance. You may first wish to consult with the local Embassy or Consulate regarding whether contacting the local police is appropriate should you have such concerns based on the situation, for instance in cases involving illicit drug use, misconduct, etc.
- Call the Georgia Tech Police Department at +1-404-894-2500. Identify yourself as a faculty/staff member on a program abroad to speak to the Dean on Call.
- Document the incident. Please use the incident report form at [ INSERT LINK ].
In the event of a medical emergency such as a serious illness, injury or accident, the university’s supplemental international assistance provider is On Call International. The following methods are available to open a case and request assistance with On Call International:
- Toll-free from U.S. and Canada: 833-808-0251
- Call collect from anywhere in the world: +1-978-651-9219
- Email: mail@oncallinternational.com
- SMS Text: +1-844-302-5131
Replace a Passport Abroad
American citizens needing to replace lost or stolen passports abroad should visit the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate to apply for a replacement passport in person.
- If your passport was stolen, you may wish to file a police report if you have sufficient time prior to departure.
- Complete and bring a DS-11 form, passport photo, and replacement fee. Some but not all embassies offer the ability to obtain passport photos onsite for a small fee, however bringing the passport photo with you ahead of time helps to expedite the replacement process.
- Additional items to bring:
- Travel itinerary (e.g. airplane ticket)
- Form of identification (e.g. driver’s license)
- Evidence of US citizenship (e.g. photocopy of your missing passport)
- Statement regarding your lost or stolen passport, if you’ve obtained one
Individuals of other nationalities should check with the nearest consulate or embassy of their country of citizenship to verify the process of replacing lost or stolen passports abroad.
Reporting Resources
- Title IX
- Dean of Students Referral
- Education Abroad Incident Report Form (Link Coming Soon)

All individuals are encouraged to proactively assess their personal health circumstances and health management plan before embarking on international travel.
Allergies Abroad
Individuals traveling with allergies are encouraged to research their destination(s) before departure to determine if and how exposure to the local air quality, cuisine and other potential irritants may impact their health. For long-term travelers, note that some items such as portable nebulizers may be difficult to obtain in-country.
During transit, while travelers are encouraged to convey any needs to the airline, there are no standards to which carriers must adhere. Pack disinfectant wipes and any necessary medications in carry-on luggage. If traveling with an emergency epinephrine auto-injector, make sure it is accessible and not stored in an overhead bin.
For travelers impacted by severe allergies, it is highly recommended to carry a medical ID or translation card with information about the allergen written in the local language, as well as to know how to verbally communicate your allergy in the local language, when possible. If traveling with others, communicate regarding the specific signs and symptoms of your particular allergic reaction as well as share how they can recognize and help you in a medical emergency. Travelers with significant food allergies that may be difficult to accommodate in the host country, as well as any with eating disorders are disordered eating, are encouraged to speak with their healthcare provider(s) to discuss their travel plans and itinerary, as well as research and review the role of food in the culture along with local diet and food preparation. Some accommodations and locations may not have the option for travelers to prepare their own meals.
When travelers hear “travel insurance” they often think of trip cancellation, lost baggage, or trip delay coverage. However, a robust supplemental international insurance policy, also known as travel health insurance, covers medical care as well as medical and non-medical emergency and evacuation coverage. It is one of the most important investments any globetrotter can make.
All Georgia Tech students participating in programming offered through the Education Abroad Office are covered by the University System of Georgia’s supplemental insurance policy through their program application. Similarly, students completing international academic projects can enroll by completing the travel registry. More information on how to use the supplemental insurance is found by visiting the Study Abroad Insurance webpage.
Georgia Tech business travelers can learn more about the insurance coverages available to them as employees of Georgia Tech at the Travel Insurance at Georgia Tech webpage.
Resilient travelers are more prepared to adapt to the stressors of international travel. If you are able to do so, try to make time for any mindfulness or self-care practices that you would engage in back home. The University of Michigan has a wonderful resource page dedicated to Resilient Traveling. Georgia Tech’s Center for Mental Health Care & Resources has also partnered with Uwill to offer virtual mental health services, which are available to students abroad.
Routine & Mental Healthcare Abroad
It is encouraged to seek rather than defer care should you wish to consult a medical expert related to routine health concerns. The university’s supplemental international insurance covers treatment for common ailments including gastrointestinal issues, dehydration, respiratory illness, and minor injuries. While the assistance provider can help locate medical care, note that the insurance does not cover routine maintenance but only flare-ups or new illnesses or injuries that occur while you are traveling abroad.
Similarly, changes in routine and environment, cultural norms, and diet can subtly or overtly impact health and well-being. If you would like to seek additional support or talk to someone, Georgia Tech’s Center for Mental Health Care & Resources has partnered with Uwill to offer virtual mental health services, which are available to students abroad.
Staying Healthy Abroad
Traveling to international destinations comes with health considerations even for those who are not actively managing a health condition. Some of these include:
- Jet Lag: This occurs when an individual’s circadian rhythm is disrupted by changing multiple time zones in a relatively short time. Symptoms can include interrupted or disturbed sleep patterns, difficulties with concentration or physical dexterity, and irregular appetite. To combat jet lag:
- Get enough sleep.
- Stay hydrated on the flight. Pressurized cabins, low humidity and increased altitude mean that dehydration occurs at a faster rate in the air than on the ground. Caffeine and alcohol contribute to dehydration, so limit your intake of these substances in flight.
- Stay active on the flight. If safe to move about the cabin, take periodic breaks to stand up, stretch or walk about the cabin. Movement is a great way to improve circulation while combating tiredness.
- Stay current. Know the time in your destination and set your watch ahead of time to help mentally adjust to the time difference. Try to recalibrate your body’s sleep and eating habits with those of your host country upon arrival.
- Employ situational awareness. You may find yourself drowsy for a few days post-arrival but be sure to stay alert while exploring your new environment.
- Food Safety: Travelers should be cognizant of whether water is potable in their destination. This extends not only to drinking water but also considerations for brushing teeth or opting for ice in beverages. Think “boil it, cook it, peel it, or toss it.” Avoid eating raw foods; fruit and vegetables may be safer if you can peel or wash them yourself. Similarly, avoid lukewarm food and use caution when purchasing and consuming products from street vendors, particularly if it is unclear how long food has been exposed to the elements.
- High Altitudes: Many popular destinations are at high altitudes, which carry risks including lack of oxygen and increased UV exposure. Altitude illness can strike suddenly and pose a danger to health. Be mindful if traveling to locations high above sea level and know how to identify the signs of altitude sickness as well as steps to combat symptoms or mitigate the risk of altitude-induced illness.
- Weather Exposure: When it comes to weather exposure risk, low latitudes and high altitudes increase sun exposure. Certain medications may make individuals more susceptible and sensitive to sunlight. Travelers at increased risk for complications caused by sun exposure or exposure to the elements should take precautions like minimizing exposed skin or using a sunscreen that protects against both UVA and UVB rays.
- Vector-borne Diseases: Travelers to hot, humid locations are prime targets for insect bites. Take steps to reduce the risk of exposure which reduces the risk of contracting vector-borne diseases, many of which do not have prophylactic medication for prevention. Proactive measures include using insect repellent, covering exposed skin with long-sleeved shirts and long pants, and keeping mosquitoes outside by utilizing window and door screens or mosquito nets when necessary.
- Culture Shock: Changes in environment, diet or cultural norms can have subtle or significant impacts on an individual’s health, and even be a source of stress and anxiety. Individuals who need assistance adjusting to a new environment may find that reconnecting with home and talking with loved ones, or even speaking with a therapist, can help significantly.
Travelers are encouraged to read up on the relevant destination pages found in the CDC’s Travelers Health website for specific guidance related to potential diseases, prophylaxis, and mitigation efforts. It is also strongly recommended to have a travel health consultation with a medical provider 6-8 weeks ahead of departure. Stamps Health Center offers this service to Georgia Tech students.
Traveling with Medications
Individuals traveling with any medications should research the legalities, availability and equivalent dosages of their medication(s) in their host country. The host country’s Embassy or Consulate may also have additional information or forms to complete for importing specific quantities or kinds of medications. Be sure to research this information for all countries to be visited and note that additional documentation may be required when transiting certain or multiple locations.
Before traveling, check with your medical provider how best to facilitate any necessary adjustments, such as time zone changes, to maintain the usual dosage or pattern of taking medications, and if alternate medications are needed for your time abroad.
Consider whether medical refrigeration or other storage accommodations will be required in your destination and be sure to inquire if reasonable accommodations can be arranged.
Medication should not be sent in advance. Instead, it should be packed in carry-on luggage for ease of access during transit, and in the event checked bags are delayed for any reason. While traveling, medications should also be kept in the original containers along with the prescription. Local pharmacists will not be able to honor prescriptions written by physicians in the United States, however, a copy of the prescription along with a description of the medication and dosage information is important both for customs as well as for obtaining local prescriptions, if needed.
Traveling with Pre-Existing Conditions
Travelers who are actively managing a health condition(s) and who may need access to routine or ongoing care, specific medications or medical supplies are encouraged to research access in their destination before travel. Treatment or access to support for certain health conditions may be limited in some locations. In addition to speaking with your healthcare provider, the supplemental insurance is one resource for use in proactively identifying any necessary medical providers or specialists, and assistance related to locating or transporting medical supplies in your intended destination.
While the university’s supplemental international insurance does offer coverage for pre-existing conditions, it does not cover congenital conditions.
CDC Traveler’s Health
Stamps Health Services

Accommodation Safety
During the booking stage, opt for reputable hotels, hostels or boarding houses. Upon check-in, be careful with whom you share your room information. It is best to keep your address or room number to yourself or share only with your travel companions.
Upon first arriving in the room, inspect the door and window locks to confirm they are working properly. It is best to have a door with a peephole and a deadbolt or chain lock. Always identify visitors before opening the door. If in doubt, call the front desk to verify if any hotel employees are delivering items to your room before you open the door.
Similarly, upon entering new accommodations, become acquainted with the fire safety measures in place. If feasible, request a room between the second to fifth floors; these floors are harder to break into but still accessible to firefighting equipment, if available. Assess if the windows are sealed or barred, or if they can be opened from the inside and used as an emergency exit.
If a phone is available in your room, test it to see if it works and how to dial out. Know the local equivalent for 911 – there may be a different number for each emergency service, including fire emergencies. You can also dial the front desk staff in the event a language barrier may prevent you from communicating your emergency directly to emergency services.
Be sure to account for any fire extinguishers or emergency exits, and determine how many doors are between you and the exit. In the event that smoke fills the room or hallways, you may have limited visibility. Stay low to the ground to avoid smoke inhalation, which can cause significant injury or even death.
In a fire emergency, if a doorknob is hot to the touch, a fire is likely present on the other side of the door. You may need to turn around and locate another exit, such as a window, or use the phone in your accommodation to notify emergency responders or the front desk of your situation and location. Should you find yourself stuck in your room during a fire emergency, fill a sink or bathtub with water and soak towels. Place them at the base of your door or other cracks to try to minimize smoke entering your room. This can buy precious time for emergency responders to reach you.
When leaving your room for a period of time, leaving the “do not disturb” sign on your door is a good practice, whenever available. You should take care to secure all valuables and not leave sensitive documents or valuables visible in the room; instead, store these items in a secure location. If you leave cash out in plain sight, be aware that this generally indicates to hotel staff that the money is intended as a tip.
Always know the address of your accommodations and its proximity to key landmarks. You can often ask for a local street map at the reception desk and request them to mark the hotel location. Not only is this convenient for navigating the area, but locating and orienting yourself to key resources such as the nearest pharmacy or hospital, police station, and even the closest consulate or embassy can help you prepare for contingencies.
Alcohol & Drug Use
Drinking culture varies and engaging in heavy drinking may not be acceptable or could be considered culturally inappropriate or even illegal. Research and be aware of customs in your country of travel.
The alcoholic content of beverages may be higher than what is served back home. Regardless of whether alcoholic or non-alcoholic, all travelers should monitor any drinks ordered while abroad and not accept beverages from strangers.
The university’s alcohol policy relies on the legal age of consumption in the local jurisdiction. If students are of legal age to partake in alcoholic beverages per local law, they are advised to exercise good judgment if consuming alcohol while abroad. Intoxication which causes significant damage or disruption can lead to a violation of the Institute’s Code of Conduct which may carry significant academic and/or financial ramifications. Likewise, the Institute has a strict no-tolerance policy when it comes to drug usage, regardless of local law in the host country.
Be advised that most countries have laws surrounding drug usage that are more severe than in the United States. Penalties for relatively minor infractions, such as possession of a small amount of drugs, can be grounds for mandatory sentences or even the death penalty in some countries around the world. While abroad, travelers are subject to the host country’s laws and therefore no longer under the protection of U.S. laws or constitutional rights.
Similarly, conduct a thorough self-evaluation if you engage in the consumption of edibles, or use CBD or other potentially illicit substances before traveling to your host country. Trace amounts of drugs may be detectable on your person through your hair or other means for up to 30 days following use.
The best way to protect yourself is to not use, buy or accept drugs from anyone during transit or while abroad.
ATM Safety
Before traveling abroad, check with your financial institution to see if they have any partner banks in your destination. Usually utilizing ATMs from these partner banks results in fewer or even no fees for usage while abroad.
When withdrawing cash from an ATM, it is always advisable to use a machine located inside a branch of a bank branch, hotel lobby or in another private, guarded or surveilled location rather than on the street. Using an ATM on the street can expose you to an increased risk of fraud from tampering, as well as theft.
When accessing an ATM check, beware of your surroundings and observe the area for suspicious objects or characters. It is not unheard of for individuals to leave bags containing minor explosives near ATMs, which is another reason the use of ATMs on streets is inadvisable. Also check the machine for compromised entry or fake overlays, as this is a sign that a scammer is trying to attain your data.
If your card is retained by an ATM, press the “cancel” button to terminate the transaction and immediately notify your bank.
Identity Abroad
Travelers of all genders, religions, races and ethnicities can encounter different stereotypes or cultural norms while traveling abroad. It is important to research what the different standards or expectations are for socially acceptable behaviors, as well as what the gender roles are in your destination. Some countries may have laws or other restrictions for individuals identifying with a specific gender. Travelers are also encouraged to gain an understanding of any ethnic, racial or religious conflicts that may exist in your destination, and how your racial, ethnic or religious identity may be perceived in that culture.
Women travelers may encounter different rules or expectations regarding women’s clothing and appearance, as well as laws that impact women’s health care and limit access to health medications or feminine hygiene products. In some locations, it may not be safe or acceptable for women to travel or use certain forms of transportation alone.
In countries where same-sex laws are more prohibitive, individuals who identify as LGBTQ+ are encouraged to avoid public displays of affection. Some countries carry severe penalties for members of the LGBTQ+ community, so practice caution with whom you disclose information in these locations in particular. This caution extends to the use of dating apps while abroad.
Travelers who are non-binary, transitioning or who have transitioned may have additional immigration and health-related concerns. Contact the supplemental international insurance for information related to the continuation of HRT and its availability or legality at your destination. While the U.S. government no longer issues passports with an “X” gender marker, for those travelers who do still possess active “X” gender marker passports, the U.S. government cannot guarantee entry or transit through other countries. Travelers using a passport with a “X” gender marker may face additional questioning or screening at immigration, or entry restrictions in countries that do not recognize this marker. For information on TSA screening protocols and your rights at airport security at U.S. border crossings, please visit The National Center for Transgender Equality.
Similar to cultural norms and laws, both the perceptions of reasonable accommodations and the presence of actual accommodations vary from one country to another. Developed countries tend to be more accessible than developing countries, however standards differ. Travelers are encouraged to research potential accessibility, issues and reasonable accommodations early in their travel planning stages.
Natural Disasters
Most locations in the world are susceptible to at least some form of natural disaster if not the elements in general. By their very nature, natural disasters occur with little to no warning. It is important to research what natural disasters may occur in your destination and the steps you can take to react in the event that you find yourself impacted by or in the midst of one while traveling abroad.
If you are in an area impacted by a natural disaster, follow the directives of local media and authorities. You can obtain additional information from the local US embassy or consulate, or via STEP.
The university’s supplemental international insurance has provisions for natural disaster evacuation. Contact the 24/7 Georgia Tech Police line at +1-404-894-2500 for assistance in an emergency abroad.
Hurricanes/Cyclones/Typhoons: Hurricanes, cyclones and typhoons are essentially the same weather phenomenon, the only difference being the region or part of the world in which they occur.
- Hurricanes – Atlantic and Northeast Pacific Oceans from June to November.
- Tropical Cyclones: South Pacific and Indian Oceans from November to April.
- Typhoons: Northwest Pacific Ocean from April to December.
If traveling during an active season in your location, be ready to take precautions for any strong storms which may occur. All of these storms have the potential to intensify, change their trajectory as well as carry additional considerations compared to regular storms such as high winds, storm surges, heavy rainfall, flooding, and even mudslides or tornadoes in some locations. As they are unpredictable, even travelers proximate to the path of such a storm should monitor the track of the storm and make safety plans according to the advice of local media and authorities. Those in the direct path of a hurricane, typhoon or cyclone should take precautions to remain indoors and heed local emergency advice.
If a hurricane, typhoon or cyclone advisory has been issued for your area, make sure you have easy access to sufficient food, potable water and necessary medications to last you several days in the event of a need to shelter in place. Charge your electronics and be sure to keep in touch with emergency contacts as possible prior to and following the event. Even after the storm has passed, damage to infrastructure (roads, electricity, telecommunications) poses an additional risk to individuals, and shortages of food, water or medical supplies may occur in heavily impacted regions. Downed limbs or electrical lines can pose significant hazards. Be careful when venturing outside in an impacted area following a strong storm.
Floods: Flooding occurs when a large amount of water over a short or long period of time inundates or saturates the ground, causing water levels to rise significantly above normal levels. This water can come from storms, sustained rainfall, or even thawing snow. Low-lying locations closer to waterways have an increased risk of flooding.
During a flooding event, evacuate the impacted area. If able, relocate to a designated evacuation location or a shelter which is at low risk for flooding, i.e. higher ground. If you are unable to exit a building due to high water, attempt a vertical evacuation by moving to the highest location you are able within the building.
Be aware that road conditions may be washed out and mudslides can occur without warning during and following heavy rainfall and flooding. Do not attempt to drive during a flood event and wait until infrastructure and local road conditions have been assessed by local authorities before assuming that it is safe to drive.
Earthquakes: Earthquakes are surprisingly common, with multiple earthquakes occurring every day. Some countries or cities, particularly in the region known as the “Ring of Fire” in the Pacific Ocean, may be more prone to earthquakes due to their proximity to major fault lines.
If outside: Quickly move away from any objects that have the potential to fall, such as streetlights, power lines or even buildings. Once in the open, lay on the ground, protecting your head and neck by covering them with your hands.
If inside: Take steps to brace yourself and protect your head. Most injuries during an earthquake are sustained either by falling oneself or by something falling on you. If there is a sturdy table, try to accommodate as much of your body under it as possible. If feasible, place a pillow or other protective cushion over your head to protect it from potential debris.
Note that arches and frames are only a good option if you can extend your reach to stabilize yourself on the frame. Doorways are not a good option, as doors may move or sway in the tremor, posing a threat to the individual standing inside the doorframe. Use caution going outside during and following an earthquake, as downed limbs or electrical lines pose an additional hazard.
If you smell or suspect a gas leak, leave the area immediately as fires pose an additional threat to safety following an earthquake.
Tsunami/Tidal Waves: Tsunami or tidal waves are large ocean waves that are generated by earthquakes or landslides that occur in the ocean. If you will be traveling to a location on a beach or near a low-lying coastal area, especially in the Ring of Fire region, be aware that a tsunami can arrive within minutes of a severe earthquake. Even if you do not feel an earthquake, if you are at the beach and notice a dramatic drop in the sea level as the water quickly recedes far back into the ocean, leave and seek higher ground.
If a tsunami warning is triggered in your area, go as high and as far as you can away from the coast – ideally 100 feet above sea level or a location 2 miles inland. Stay until local authorities advise you it is safe to return. A tsunami can continue as a series of waves for hours; do not assume that the first wave is the last wave.
Volcanoes: Volcanic eruptions may occur with little advanced warning; however, they do often provide warning signs weeks to months in advance. Certain areas are more prone to seismic activity than others, and many volcanoes are known to be either active or dormant. Research your intended destination before departure and know the area’s risk for volcanic activity. If the risk is high, identify evacuation routes or shelters and know the appropriate steps to take in the event of a volcano warning or eruption. Even if you are not traveling to a location at direct risk of a volcanic eruption, be advised that eruptions in nearby locations may impact your travel itinerary.
Volcanoes can spew ash or lava, contaminating the air, reducing visibility and contaminating water sources. In a volcano warning, avoid the areas downstream of the eruption. Charge your electronics and keep in touch with emergency contacts as able prior to and following the event. If advised to evacuate, heed the directives early.
Road conditions can quickly deteriorate during periods of significant ashfall. Seek updated information on road conditions before driving or entering a vehicle. If you venture outside, carry a facemask and observe other precautions to avoid ash inhalation. If you must shelter in place, make sure you have access to sufficient supplies of food, potable water and necessary medicines, then take steps to seal doors and windows and cover ventilation openings. Inhalation of volcanic ash can cause lung irritation; it is particularly dangerous for those with asthma or environmental sensitivities. Ashfall can also irritate eyes and open wounds.
Photo Safety
While capturing breathtaking scenery and grabbing amazing selfies is a great way to record the memories of your international adventures for posterity, there are definitely a few safety guidelines to follow when it comes to embracing your inner international photog.
Always maintain situational awareness when taking photos. The act of taking photos, especially group ones, can easily identify you as a foreigner and therefore a target for opportunistic theft. When you are trying to frame the perfect shot, you are likely not watching your belongings.
Similarly, be cognizant of any ledges or drops, or possible collisions, and make sure to adhere to any posted cautions and warnings. Do not attempt to climb on statues or unsturdy structures; infrastructure may be older and less stable than it appears. It can also be illegal to stand in fountains or on certain objects to take photos in your location.
Also be advised that there may be strict laws about taking photos of certain objects or people, such as military installations, personnel, airports, diplomatic or political buildings or means of transportation, etc. If unsure, ask first.
Be very careful about taking photos of minors, especially without consent. Regardless of age, it is always best to ask permission from subjects. You also should be cognizant of any photographs that you may be traveling with or have posted on your social media, especially if political or sensitive in nature.
Sexual Misconduct Abroad
Georgia Institute of Technology is committed to promoting a safe environment free from sexual misconduct. The university takes seriously any and all reports or incidents of sexual misconduct occurring on its programming.
If you experience sex discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault/violence, interpersonal violence, or stalking, know that you have options and rights, and there is support that is available to you even if you are traveling abroad.
If you would like to disclose a Title IX incident, please be aware that university faculty and staff are mandatory reporters and are required to make a report to the university. To learn more about reporting options or to learn about what resources and support are available, please visit the Equity & Compliance Programs website.
Transportation Safety
Sadly, traffic-related deaths are the leading cause of fatalities for U.S. citizens abroad. Taking precautions to address pedestrian and safety when planning your travel can help mitigate the risk of serious injury. Likewise, knowing local regulations, traffic patterns, and how weather conditions or holidays may impact travel conditions can significantly help you take control of your safety. Check the Department of State travel advisory or the Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC) Country Security Report to see if there are any cautions regarding use of certain forms of transportation in your destination.
Pedestrian Safety: Pedestrians should always understand the flow of traffic in any environment. Understand if cars drive on the left or right side of the road and look both ways before crossing a street while abroad. Be cognizant of bike paths. Many avoidable tragedies occur because travelers tune out important cues by wearing headphones while walking or running, or enter crosswalks engaged in phones or deep conversations. Similarly, the assumption that pedestrians have the right of way and traffic will yield for pedestrians automatically is not always the case. Do not assume that traffic patterns and behaviors overseas will mimic those you are accustomed to at home.
Road Safety: Students are highly discouraged from driving during their international experience. Faculty and staff who intend to drive while abroad should be aware of local laws, traffic signs, and road and weather conditions. The weather may not only impact visibility but can also wreak havoc on locations with poor road maintenance. Before driving in a foreign country, determine what the availability is for roadside assistance. Intercity travel should only occur during daylight hours, particularly in locations with poor road infrastructure and maintenance, in suboptimal weather conditions or in higher-risk locations.
In addition to poor road conditions, certain routes may need to be reconsidered or avoided in some countries for personal safety and security reasons. Always check with resources such as the U.S. Department of State country travel advisory or the Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC) Crime and Safety report for your destination to verify if there are particular routes that should be avoided.
Consider the vehicle safety as well as insurance. When selecting a rental vehicle, check for the presence of seatbelts and locks as well as assess the overall condition of the vehicle prior to and upon entering. Be sure that you have an international driver’s permit or a driver’s license that is valid in the country in which you are driving, as it is illegal to drive without a valid license and insurance in most countries. Also, know the local emergency numbers and protocol for what to do in the event of an accident.
Public Transportation: While using public transit, practice situational awareness and crime mitigation strategies, as opportunistic theft occurs worldwide and passengers utilizing public transportation or at stations or bus/taxi stops make for prime targets. Do your research as some routes may be more susceptible to crime than others. Be cognizant of your belongings and take care at busy stations; in particular, beware of individuals jostling you. If traveling at night, use well-lit stations whenever possible.
Taxis: Only use taxis from a reputable company. If you have any questions about this, the concierge at your hotel will usually be able to assist. Similarly, in many locations, it is best to hail a taxi from a hotel or restaurant than on the street. Many travelers prefer to use rideshare apps such as Uber and Lyft, but there may be legal issues or other concerns with using these services in your travel destination. Do not share a taxi with strangers while traveling abroad.
When the taxi arrives, take note of the license plate and obtain the taxi driver’s information, and also check that the driver has a photo ID displayed; not only is this a good practice for your safety, but this information can be invaluable should you leave any personal belongings behind. Check the meter and agree to a fare before entering. Have your destination written out in the local language, when applicable. If the door does not lock, sit in the middle of the seat to discourage opportunistic thieves at stops.
Water Safety
The U.S. Department of State cites drowning as one of the leading causes of deaths of U.S. citizens abroad. Travelers who will be engaging in any water activities, such as water sports or visiting beaches, rivers or creeks, should be aware of the dangers that water can present.
Stop and assess the situation before swimming or upon entering a watercraft. Check for the availability of personal flotation devices. Particularly when entering unfamiliar bodies of water, individuals should self-assess their ability to swim and be able to recognize signs of rip currents. Do not swim during a storm or inclement weather. Check the area for any posted cautionary signs and, whenever possible, only swim at designated beaches with clear warning systems (e.g. flags) or lifeguards on duty. Do not consume alcohol before or while swimming and never swim alone.
For water activities, use gear appropriate to the environment and consider delaying engaging in certain activities, like snorkeling, in short succession of flying in a pressurized cabin.
If you find yourself caught in a rip current, do not try to fight the current. Rip currents are strong, and many swimmers succumb while trying to swim against them. Instead, swim parallel or at a 45-degree angle to the shore. Please see the United States Lifesaving Association for more information on rip currents.
Department of State Travel Advisories

Assessing Security Environment
The U.S. Department of State (DOS) is responsible for communicating important information about travel destinations that is relevant to U.S. citizens traveling abroad. They communicate this information in two key ways:
- Travel advisories
- Security messaging and STEP notifications
Travel advisories no longer adhere to a travel warning-based system but rather an all-encompassing advisory system in which each country is assigned a level based on a four-tier scale. These levels are:
- Exercise Normal Precautions
- Exercise Increased Caution
- Reconsider Travel
- Do Not Travel
At Level 3: Reconsider Travel, the Department of State introduces strong cautionary language such as “avoid.” Level 4: Do Not Travel is the highest level advisory and contains very strong cautionary language, advising U.S. citizens not to travel to countries or regions with an active Level 4 designation or encouraging those who are in a Level 4 area to leave as soon as it is safe to do so.
It is important to read the full travel advisory as some regions or areas within a lower-tier advisory country may still be assessed as higher risk. Similarly, the travel advisories contain several sub-heading categories containing guidance that travelers should read and understand before departure.
Note that per Georgia Institute of Technology’s Policy on Restricted GT Student Travel Abroad as part of Educational/Experiential Programs: Students are not permitted to travel abroad as part of an educational/experiential activity in a country with an overall US DoS Travel Advisory Level 3 (Reconsider Travel) or Level 4 (Do Not Travel), and/or a CDC Health Notice Level 3 (Avoid Nonessential Travel) or Level 4 (Do Not Travel).
For more information on the policy or to learn how to submit an appeal for Department of State Level 3 student travel, please click here.
The geopolitical sphere is dynamic and constantly changing. As such, travelers should review the U.S. Department of State travel advisories, monitor local events in their destination before departure and while abroad, and be cognizant of any security concerns that may pose significant logistical challenges or safety issues to any upcoming or current international travel.
All travelers are encouraged to enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) for locally-issued U.S. Embassy security messaging while abroad.
In the event of an incident, event or change impacting the security environment of a location, travelers may need to modify itineraries, change intended activities, relocate to a new destination, or cancel travel altogether.
Freedom of Expression
Travelers need to keep in mind that freedom of expression varies widely from country to country. While the right to freedom of opinion and expression is legally protected or enshrined in national laws in some countries, other countries possess laws that significantly curtail freedom of expression.
Before traveling, be sure to research and understand local laws and attitudes toward topics that may be controversial in your destination. Be aware of how what you say, write, wear or share may affect you and others. Check your social media for any content that could result in additional screenings, detention, or denial of entry upon arrival.
Demonstrations and Protests
U.S. citizens should be aware that demonstrations and protests may present a common phenomenon in some countries. While local authorities often supply suitable security, even the most peaceful protest has the potential to result in violence. Large-scale demonstrations, in particular, may prove disruptive to traffic patterns and business operations and sometimes result in conflicts between protestors and/or police. Travelers should take steps to avoid protests and should not participate in demonstrations, as in some countries their presence is illegal and may be grounds for detention or deportation.
In the event of ongoing protests in your destination, the following action steps are recommended:
- Plan your itinerary to avoid scheduled demonstrations.
- Engage in situational awareness. Be aware of your surroundings and trust your instincts. If you see something that seems odd or out of place, notify the nearest law enforcement officer and move away from the area.
- Always carry your cell phone, programmed with local emergency numbers. Monitor the battery charge and carry a portable phone charger with you if you will be out for an extended period of time.
- Exercise caution if unexpectedly in the vicinity of large gatherings or protests.
- Follow the instructions of authorities and road signs regarding closures and detours.
- Monitor local media for updates.
- Keep a low profile.
- Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) for security alerts and updates.
Non-US Citizens Traveling Abroad
Export Control
Research Security
GT Info on Safeguarding Info on Laptop Computers
Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)
Department of State Travel Advisories
Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC) Country Security Reports
Situational Awareness & Crime Mitigation
The number one thing travelers can do to take charge of their personal safety while abroad is to engage in situational awareness, which consists of being and remaining alert and aware of their surroundings and environment. This includes identifying and assessing potential threats or dangerous scenarios, and trusting one’s gut.
It takes time when entering a new environment to get a feel for and understand the lay of the land in the same way that locals do. This includes building a sense of whom to trust or appropriately gauging what is normal vs what is unusual. During these times, it is prudent to keep one’s situational awareness higher than that of while at home on a daily basis.
Upon arrival, make sure to establish a plan for communicating with any travel partners or emergency contacts back home and identify local emergency resources. Note that there may be different emergency numbers for fire, medical and police services at your destination.
Crime is a factor of three variables on the part of the criminal: Ability, desire, and opportunity. In addition to practicing good situational awareness, this is the time to engage in some basic crime mitigation strategies to decrease your chance of being a victim of opportunistic theft or crime.
- Avoid public displays of wealth, such as fine jewelry or wearable technology.
- Separate documents and carry duplicates of important paperwork such as passports and visas.
- Practice ATM safety.
- Don’t carry all your cash or cards on your person or in the same location while out and about.
- Keep a close eye on belongings, especially when taking photos, in crowds, particularly on transportation or near tourist locations. Also, do not sling bags over chairs or put them too high or far out of reach on trains, if possible.
- Consider wearing purses/bags crossbody or to the side with a protective arm over your belongings when in crowds. Likewise do not put any valuables in easily accessible outer pockets.
- Phone case wallets are not well suited to traveling abroad.
- Smartphones are popular targets for thieves, and it is a common tactic for thieves on mopeds or similar types of get-away vehicles to target individuals on their phones as they exit metros for snatch-and-grab opportunities.
- Be very careful if someone hands you something or tries to get you to sign something while out and about; they may be distracting you and working with a partner.
- Consider a mugger’s wallet with just enough cash for the day that can be easily handed over to appease a thief if confronted. If approached by an assailant, do not assume that the individual is unarmed or rational. Instead, comply with demands to hand over belongings. Do not resist or attempt to fight back. Items can be replaced and credit cards canceled. They are not worth the risk to your safety.
Social Media
While traveling, social media is a great way to connect with those back home and to share your adventures with family and friends. However, it is important for travelers to not only maintain but also bolster their privacy and security online while abroad. Below are a few considerations for using social media while abroad.
Before you travel, check your social media for any topics that may be perceived as controversial in your destination. Some posts may flag you for additional screening upon arrival.
Similarly, understand how your identity and what you have shared about yourself may be perceived in the host culture. Social media can be used to target individuals. If you choose to use apps and social media in a country where you are worried about your safety, you may consider making your accounts private or using a VPN service (where legal) on your devices.
Prior to and while abroad, don’t overshare, particularly giving away where you intend to be at a given time. Similarly, check your location settings. Divulging too much information about where you will be going can be of interest to bad actors who may analyze patterns and track your movements.
Navigating relationships is tricky. This is especially true when doing so in a foreign environment. Local dating culture may vary significantly from that back home. While discouraged, it is a reality that the use of dating apps while abroad is becoming increasingly popular. However, it is not without additional risk as traveling adds many unknown variables to the equation.
If you do seek to establish a relationship while abroad, take the time to get to know someone before agreeing to meet in person and make use of social media to vet any individuals before a first date. Similarly, have a plan for where to meet in a place that is familiar and secure. Critically assess and plan how you will get to and from the date using a reputable means of transportation. Let a close contact know where and with whom you will be and check in with them at predetermined times. During the date, monitor drinks and trust your gut. If something feels off, remove yourself from the situation and use appropriate transportation to return to your accommodations.
GT Global HR
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