Georgia Tech-Lorraine Joins NeurotechEU as Founding Partner

Leaders from universities in NeurotechEU gathered to officially sign Georgia Tech-Lorraine as the ninth founding partner of the European University. From left to right, members include Prof. Elek Bartha (University of Debrecen), Vice Rector for Education, Prof. Abdallah Ougazzaden (Georgia Tech Lorraine), President, Prof. Anders Gustafsson (Karolinska Institutet), Vice President, Prof. Vicente Micol (Miguel Hernández University of Elche), Vicerrector for International Relations, Prof. Han van Krieken
University leaders stand to congratulate Georgia Tech-Lorraine president Abdallah Ougazzaden, seated, on the official signing of Georgia Tech-Lorraine into NeurotechEU. Photo: Barbara Frommann, University of Bonn.
Atlanta, GA
Summary sentence
Georgia Tech-Lorraine officially joins NeurotechEU, a European University and vast network of elite universities and industry partners dedicated to advances in neuroscience and technology.